Friday, September 19, 2008

Your Responsibility Is To Enjoy Your Life

Business, Ask An Expert.

Stop robbing yourself: get rid of your job! - ahhh, the great american dream. Hey, wait a minute that all sounded pretty good up until that last part.

White picket fences, a beautiful wife, puppy dogs and children, good friends and a great job. - from birth, we have been brainwashed that the optimal value of our lives is determined by our vocation. We feel like real mature adults when we' re in high school working diligently. We are thrilled when we' re finally old enough to get our first paper route. We work our way through college so that we can call ourselves educated and get a better job. The first question that most people ask each other is, "Where do you work? " or" What do you do for a living? " Enough! There, we spend the rest of our able - bodied lives working away.

It' s time to break the mold! - here are 10 fantastic reasons to get rid of your crappy job today: 1 having a job limits your development both personal and professional. Working our lives away until we' re too old to enjoy life is for the birds! If you spend all of your time working for" the man" , then you will never get to be the person that you want to be. 2 Working your life away works the life right out of you. When you spend your life working for others, you lock yourself into poverty. People give the most healthful years of their lives to their jobs. 3 Having a job assures you that you will never really have any money.

You have to learn to do your own thing for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones. 4 People who think that hard work is the only way to success are simply misled or perhaps mentally challenged. - think about it: if you wake up every day and go to work for 50 weeks straight, then you get two weeks for yourself and your family. There are incredible ways to generate loads of cash and have more free time than you know what to do with. 5 You deserve more vacation time than one or two weeks every year. Most times, those two weeks are spent just trying to wrap your mind around the next 50 that are coming up again. 6 If you believe that all you are ever meant to be is an employee, then you will probably be a great one. Helpfulness, yes. However, that' s all you' ll ever be. 7 There is no honor in servitude. Giving, yes.

How many of them have you achieved or seen come to fruition? - slavery, no way! 8 think about all of the dreams that you had throughout your life. The reason that people don' t achieve their goals in life is because they' re too busy working at their jobs. 9 Do you wake up every morning feeling really excited to be alive? Hmmm, why don' t you do something about it? 10 People claim that it is the responsibility of an individual to work. Are you full of anticipation about getting to the office because it' s such a thrilling experience? Nothing could be further from the truth. It' s the only one that you have!

Your responsibility is to enjoy your life. - begin living your life the way that you choose to. Hard work does not accommodate or bring about happiness and success. There are many ways to successfully replace your job and generate more cash than you ever thought was possible. On the contrary, working your life away is exactly what will cause your great misery. Become your own champion!

Take control of your own destiny! - realize that your job is killing you and then do something about it.

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