Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Thing To Remember Is That The Seminar Must Enhance Your Career Or Business

Business, Ask An Expert.

Are tavel expenses tax deductible? - many of us wonder, are travel expenses tax deductible? or is there any way for me to take a vacation and write part of it off? The IRS allows you to deduct a part of your travel expenses if your vacation is related to your business or will enhance your business. Well the answer to that is yes if you do it right.

So if you are attending a business meeting somewhere or a conference that will enhance your business you can qualify for a deduction. - now there is a right way and a wrong way of doing this. Why do you think so many seminars and conventions are held in Las Vegas or Orlando? You must document why you are going to that location and keep your receipts. For example, a friend of mine is a hypnotist. Also you should choose a seminar, convention or meeting that you could not easily duplicate in your home town. There aren' t many hypnosis shows in Orlando but there are a ton of them in Vegas.

Another friend of mine helps design theme park events and creates special effects for large company promotions. - if he was going to vegas to learn more about how to conduct a hypnosis show to enhance his business then all the hypnosis shows that he attended in vegas should be tax deductible. His trips to Disney land are probably tax deductible because he creates illusions similar to what Disney creates. So Dell could send their employees to a sales seminar and their employees could deduct many of their expenses. Convention and business travel expenses are deductible whether you are self - employed or employed by another company. Or if you as an individual needing some extra training to further your career or business you could write off these expenses, as well.

So if you were going to a training class like World Capital Institute in Orlando holds for those that wish to enter the Stock and Commodities field as a broker then that would be deductible, but if you were going to a seminar to learn how to trade stocks for your personal use then that would not result in a tax deduction. - the thing to remember is that the seminar must enhance your career or business. Time is a factor in determining whether the IRS will consider your trip business related. So if your convention is four days you should spend no more than an additional 2 - 3 days seeing the sights. You should spend the greater portion of your time in the seminar or meeting clients than you spend frolicking. Now what can be deducted: 1) If your trip is primarily for business, then you can deduct your travel expenses air fare, etc, taxis. Or if you are going to meet a potential client, then you should have this appointment set before making your travel arrangements.

So make sure that you have your convention or class paid for before booking your flight. - now if you are going to see a client, get that meeting in writing so that you have proof. Remember to consult with your accountant before taking your next business trip to make sure that you are going about it properly and to make sure that the rules have not changed. Write to him to set your appointment and have him write you back confirming the appointment. 2) Any meals, etc, hotels. during this business trip can be written off, as a cost of doing business. Taking a business vacation and reaping the benefits is easy, if you know how to play by the IRS' s rules.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Laser Etching Is Really Just Another Name For Laser Engraving

Business, Ask An Expert.

New useful facts about the laser engraving - unlike the conventional engravers, today some engravers use an intense beam of light for laser engraving instead of a rotating or vibrating tool. It' s controlled by a computer at high speeds and accuracy to produce quality at a decent price.

This beam can either vaporize a small area of the surface( laser engraving) or cause a change in the color of the surface of the material( laser marking) . - almost all materials can be engraved or marked with this method. When permanency or aesthetics are needed marking is the favored method. It didn' t take very long for the engraving industry to discover lasers and soon they were used for many different industrial applications including welding, heat - treating, etching and engraving. Compare it as a light source similar to a light bulb in that a light bulb will emit energy out all around it. Because the tool is a beam of light, there is no contact with the product, which means there is less chance of damaging the product or deformation. There are quite a few advantages to using it rather than other methods of engraving.

Laser etching is really just another name for laser engraving. - it can be done on many different types of materials including slate, stainless steel, granite, leather, glass, arborite, mirrors, and premium hardwoods. It provides a permanent message on an in - process or a finished component. Laser cutting works well for cutting acrylic( Plexiglas) , PETG, thin polycarbonates( Mylar) , styrene expanded PVC( Sintra) , wood, paper and fabric. It also offers superior cut - edge quality with parallel sides and no evidence of burrs. It adds high precision, reduced contamination or warping, and a nice quality finish to industrial cutting applications. Laser marking is a process in which material is indelibly marked at very fast speeds.

Because no inks are used in the process it means the marking services are permanent and the process is environmentally friendly. - marking of glass by co2 lasers on the fly or while moving can be a good addition for many industrial environments and applications. And when they are used to mark or etch glass and quartz they replace the traditional methods such as sand blasting, ink pad printing and etching. Of the many items being engraved today, iPods and laptops rank right up there in the retail marketplace. You can mark easily in batches of 1 to 10, 00Drawings can be converted into the right format or directly in a variety of formats including JPEG, Adobe - Illustrator, Corel Draw and AutoCAD. Many companies make laser engraving machines, marking systems and etching equipment. There are no consumables so operating costs are very minimal, if properly exhausted, and the system, runs clean, so costly cleanup or by product disposal is not necessary.

These machines and systems are used in a variety of applications and industries including the medical device industry, the manufacturing industry, the aerospace industry, the automotive industry, and electronic industries, pharmaceutical. - laser engraving can be used for most of the jobs that are now being done by conventional industrial engravers.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Get To Know The Guide

Business, Ask An Expert.

Tips and tricks - finding a fishing guide - open communication matters. Be sure to be honest in telling the guide how much experience you have regarding fishing.

It is important that you provide the guide all the information they need so that they will figure out what kind of fishing trip is best for you. - this will help them to know what advice and tips to give you so that you can make the most out of your time. Ask your friends and relatives who have fished and if not they may be able to provide you with some referrals. Seek the help of friends and relatives. It is better to ask them about their experiences, the things that you need to do and things that you have to look for in a guide. This will be a chance for you to ask if the guide they are referring you to has enough knowledge or is accommodating to clients.

They may be also to provide you referrals of the guides they have tried and found effective for them. - browse the internet. You can also post messages and questions regarding the website and they may be able to find the information you need. The Internet can provide a lot of websites where you can find the best guides in a certain location. Determine if your prospective guide is licensed. A licensed guide is also sure to be relied on especially with the matters of integrity and trust. It is better that you know that the person you are working with is working according to the law.

Ask the guide of their name and phone numbers including the state - licensing bureau. - find out exactly what you are paying for and how long the amount would cover. A guide who is not willing to provide you the information you are asking for is not worth your time. You need to know this information for you to be able to manage your schedule before the fishing trip and plan the things that you need to bring which are not covered by the payment you made. Asking the coverage of your fees will also help you assess if the services you will get is worth the money you will be spending. Some include the price for lodging in the package while other guides may charge extra for that.

Get to know the guide. - if not, you will just be wasting your time and money. Evaluate if the guide that you will be working with can get along with you. Fishing is a time to learn and enjoy but if the two of you will not get along well, the whole trip might just be ruined. Exert a little effort to call the guide and make a small chat to break the ice and make the two of you comfortable on the day of the actual fishing. Get to know the guide first before you set foot on the boat. Also make time to find out how long the prospective guide has been on his job.

It is better that you choose a guide that has been in fishing for many years. - this will make it easier for you to assess the level of experience the guide has earned in that field. They are the ones who usually have the skills and teaching techniques that will be of great help to you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If It Was Seen As A Partnership Instead Of A Property Exchange, The Exchange Would No Longer Be Valid

Business, Ask An Expert.

The secrets of irs 1031 - the 1031 tax - deferred exchanges that occur for fractional ownership interests, or tenancy in common interests, have a complicated name, but are in fact much simpler than you may think. There are many advantages to using tenancy in common interests in order to complete a 1031 exchanges.

Earlier this year, the 1031 Revenues Procedures addressed the topic of tenancy in common interest as replacement property in 1031 tax deferred exchanges. - you can make the interests easier to find suitable replacement property within a 45 day period, allow investors with limited amounts of money to spend to diversify their properties, and to give someone a chance to own a share of property that might otherwise have been too expensive for a single person. To receive your tax deferral from this exchange, you will need to find a replacement property that is equal or greater to the net sale price of the property that is being sold. Under the 1031 section, an investor in real estate gain defer gain on a sale by exchanging the gain for a similar property and also meet the specific number of requirements that go along with this exchange. All of the proceeds from the sale must be used in the exchange. The title to the property must be taken by the investor in the same manner that he or she gives the title in the sale of the property. If you are participating in one of these exchanges, you must also be able to find replacement property that is suitable within 45 days of the property sale.

The reason for the title requirement is to prevent investors from buying into more attractive or larger properties when they have to buy additional shares or other interests of partnership to complete the sale. - if it was seen as a partnership instead of a property exchange, the exchange would no longer be valid. Before this ruling on section 1031, many tax professionals were questioning the fractional interests as replacement properties because it could be seen by the IRS as the investor being interested in a partnership rather than the property. Now there are many companies within a niche community that are beginning to make use of TIC interests to have a complete 1031 exchange. The minimum standards that need to be met for a TIC interest to qualify as a replacement property in the exchange are: the number of tenants in common must be under 35, the sponsor cannot own the property for more than six months before all of the interests are sold, any decision that will have economic impact on the property must be voted on and approved by all owners, the management agreements must be renewable, and the management agreements must also provide for market rate compensation. 1031 exchanges are still a new type of property investment, but as the trend catches on there will be more and more opportunity to invest in this type of venture. All the investors want is a deed for a percentage interest in the property rather than a share of partnership in the owning of the property.

Monday, November 3, 2008

One That Baht Is Divided Into 100 Satangs

Business, Ask An Expert.

Secrets to buying phuket apartments - one question we are constantly asked is if you have to obtain permission from the government before purchasing phuket property. Most projects have a 51% - 49% ownership rule.

To buy a condo or apartment in Phuket is very simple if you are a non - Thai. - if the building is over 51% thai owned, a foreigner can purchase and own the condo or apartment freehold. Check with the local land office before you purchase if you are unsure about the title deed. If not, you must purchase the apartment as a 30 year lease. Buying direct from the developer has several advantages: you will get to see a range of properties in Phuket that suit your requirements. It may help eliminate any possible misunderstandings. You have the benefit of many years experience, as well as a English speaking office to support you in your home country.

And it helps takes away the stress associated with purchasing Phuket real estate in country or abroad. - it is always better to let the thai banks convert your money in thailand then to let you home bank to convert it to baht before you wire. Transactions and payments are simply made by wiring from you home bank account. This tip along can save you thousands of dollars when you go to wire a large amount. Make sure you can communicate with your agent by MSN chat, Skype or text message in case you have any last minute questions while at the bank. Some developers can lock in a rate for you before you wire. The Thai currency system is based on the decimal system.

Coins range in value from ten baht to 25 satangs and six bank notes are in circulation: 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 100Always keep lots of small bills as it is a very big jump for most thai vendors on the street selling noodles. - one that baht is divided into 100 satangs. It is a very big jump between 100 baht and 500 or a 100Most street vendors and taxis can not make change for 500 baht or 1000 baht bills. Personal effects, household goods and furniture may be imported duty free to phuket. Most motorcycle taxies and car taxi' s can even break a 100 baht bill without having to stop and make change. There is very high duty on importing a car.

Find out monthly secrets to Buying in Phuket apartments and properties. - i believe with the hassle of dealing with thai customs it is better to buy what you need inside of thailand and leave most of your personal effects at home. Subscribe to our monthly Phuket newsletter and get free tips and tricks of the trade. Some tips alone can save you thousands of dollars on your purchase.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Sell People On The House

Business, Ask An Expert.

Selling any house in a slow market: 5 tips - the market is slowing and investors are drowning in house payments. Probably not. Is there an end in sight?

But, there is something you can do about it. - but, ive got a better solutionsell the house. Dropping the price until you get it sold is one way to do it. What amazes me is that most sellers dont sell their houses. In a good market, you can rest on your laurels, but in a soft market you have to be willing to do something different. They advertise houses, but they dont, they list houses SELL houses.

Stop whining about the slow market and start SELLING your houses! - most mls listings are boring, and dont sell, informative the house. Make Your Listing Look Great! Thats because most people leave it up to the real estate broker to create the listing, which is communicating with other brokers. Make sure the pictures are great, not average. Instead, take charge of your listing.

Photoshop the pictures, so there are excellent photos of the front, the kitchen and the most appealing features of the house. - if there' s a dead lawn in the photo, pick up that photoshop paint brush and make it green. If theres a grey sky, wait until theres a blue sky. When a buyers agent is scanning the MLS with their clients, youve got two seconds to catch their attention and initiate a showingmake a good first impression! A sign in front of your house is good if you are on a main street, otherwise you have to get traffic by your house. Use Lots of Directional Signs. Use dozens of directional signs from the nearest main road to your property.

Use a Professional Sign in Front. - on weekends, tie bunches of balloons to the main sign on the road. Do not, I repeat DO NOT use the cheap sign from Home Depot, particularly the info tube that requires you to roll up your flyer. If the house is vacant, have an arrow with the words More info pointing to the house, and put your flyer box on the stoop of the home. Invest in a solid metal - framed sign that has an attached flyer holder that makes it easy for people to pull out your flyer. This will get people peeking into the home, which is what you want. It amazes me how boring and technical most home information flyers are prepared.

Get a GREAT Flyer. - the lazy real estate broker usually prints the flyer in black and white off the mls listing computer. If you are not a digital camera buff, go on craigslist. org and hire a high school kid to shoot and edit some photos. Instead, use a full - color flyer with excellent high - resolution photos of the inside. Sell the features of the house, not the facts. Most sellers show houses, in effect, and say, Yall come back now. Sell People on the House.

Let me ask you a question: Is this what car dealers do? - the cardinal rule of a car salesman is to never let a customer off the lot. Of course not! Why should selling houses be any different? Can you remember walking into a car dealer thinking to yourself, I have not, Im just looking made up my mind yet And then, for some inexplicable reason, you left with a new car! If you elicit the right information out of the buyer to understand that he is in the decision making mode, push him to make a decision.

Why? - not all buyers are ready to make a decision, but if he' s been looking at a few houses for a few weeks, he may be ready, even if he says otherwise. Because that salesman SOLD it to you, he didnt just let you test drive. Be ready with a contract and try to get the buyer to leave you a deposit check, even if it is refundable. Instead of showing the property, SELL it! Get as much commitment as you can.